June 2014

bwp evening light brothers IMG 1751 IMG 1754
flycatcher bwp evening light2 mam-s 80-th masked bird
looking bird bc winter walk sitvy
sitvy2 one for meade winter colour mist tree
trees in the mist trees in the mist2 mt painter from DFL WBL
nab mist WINDY COCKIES evil eye sky sheps2
cornish tart(an) damp possum rainbow snow1
painter mist belco mist sheps flow vc1
vc2 vc3 rainbow arb roo1
duck in a tree pin mist pastoral a touch of frost
galahs scratch sheps2 sheps3
twp1 typhoid mary ft1 ft2
ft3 ft4 ft5 ft6
ft7 ft8 ft9 ft10
ft11 basil and sibyl bsk1 sbb
happiness is happiness  2 ginger sunset syb
hawk sunset eastern cockie flight hiding
brothers2 winter leaves digs ginger on ice
bsk2 bc2 d-g1 d-g2
garage IMG 99846736696924 resized